Data Privacy Policy

The Fossil Fuel Atlas consolidates large volumes of freely available spatial data into an open-access mapping portal, offering access to a wide range of fossil fuels, energy, social and ecological data sets.

Last Updated: October 2023
Welcome to the Fossil Fuel Atlas (“FFA”) Privacy Policy. This document outlines how we collect, use, and disclose information pertaining to users of our website (the “Website”).
1. General
Fossil Fuel Atlas, referred to as “FFA,” “we,” “our,” or “us,” is an initiative led by Global Energy Monitor, Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development, and Stockholm Environment Institute.
Our mission is to develop and manage an open-access, interactive global mapping and analysis platform to support a variety of users to identify and articulate social and ecological implications arising from fossil fuel production and use. FFA is committed to protecting your privacy when using our Website.
This Policy applies to your interactions with FFA through our Website and related platforms, both online and offline, including email and social media (“Services”).
2. Collection of Personal Information
We may collect various types of information from you based on your interactions with us. “Personal Information” refers to data that directly or indirectly identifies or relates to an individual, including information subject to applicable data protection laws.
a. Online Collection: When you register on our Website, sign up for updates, download materials, send email inquiries, or participate in other Services, we may collect identifiers and contact details such as your name, email address, country, occupation, and industry of employment.
b. Automatically Collected Information: We and our third-party service providers may use cookies and similar technologies to collect information about your interactions with our Services. This includes identifiers like IP address, device and browser information, timestamps, and referrer site data. We may also collect location information and website/application activity data.
c. Anonymous or Aggregated Information: We may use aggregated or de-identified data that cannot be linked to an individual for lawful purposes.
d. Offline Collection: We may collect Personal Information from you at conferences or similar events, typically consisting of your organizational or personal contact details.
3. Use of Your Information
FFA uses the Personal Information collected for the following purposes:
• Providing, developing, improving, and maintaining our Services.
• Sending you updates, newsletters, research, and donation-related communications you’ve requested.
• Generating anonymous reports on Service usage.
• Allowing you to engage with Service features.
• Analyzing Service usage.
4. Outreach and Communications
We may use your Personal Information to provide communications about FFA through email or other relevant mediums. You can opt out of these communications at any time by contacting us at or following unsubscribe instructions.
5. Disclosure of Information
Personal Information may be disclosed to:
• System administrators of FFA, analytical vendors, third-party agents, and service providers to enable them to perform functions for us or provide requested services.
• Fossil Fuel Atlas partners, including Global Energy Monitor, Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development, and Stockholm Environment Institute.
• Third parties with your permission.
• In response to legal requirements or requests from authorities.
• To protect our legal rights or property.
Non-private, aggregate, or non-personal information may be shared with third parties for outreach purposes, including social media companies.
6. Security and Quality
We implement safeguards to protect Personal Information from unauthorized access, use, and disclosure. While we take precautions, we cannot guarantee complete security. Please help us maintain the accuracy of your Personal Information by notifying us of changes.
7. Cookies and Analytics
We may use cookies, pixels, tags, and similar technologies for functionality, security, and analytics. These may be provided by third parties. You can manage cookies through your browser settings, but blocking cookies may affect Website features.
8. Transfers
Personal Information may be transferred to other countries as needed to provide services and communicate with you. These countries may not have the same data protection standards as your location.
9. Links to External Websites
Our Website may contain links to third-party websites with separate privacy practices. We are not responsible for their privacy policies and encourage you to read them.
10. Personal Information Access and Deletion
You may request access to, correction of, or deletion of your Personal Information. European Economic Area (EEA) residents have additional rights as outlined in the “Information for Individuals Located in the European Economic Area” section below. Send requests
11. Information for Individuals Located in the European Economic Area (EEA)
EEA data protection laws grant additional rights and protections:
• We process your Personal Information for legitimate business purposes to respond to your requests (for example, providing you with access to our websites or providing you with newsletter communications that you have requested).
• You have rights to rectify, erase, object to processing, restrict access, and receive a copy of your data.
• You can lodge complaints with your local data protection authority.
12. Changes, Oversight, and Questions
We continually review and may update this Policy. Material changes will be notified in advance. Questions or comments can be sent to
By using our Services, you agree to this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree, please refrain from using our Services or providing Personal Information.